Saturday 22 May 2010

The Crew!!!

Maybe it's time The Hoggers have been on covers of magazines, but lending their classy vulnerabilities for paparazzi kept them a while. Apologies nevertheless. A sudden spark or momentous brilliance from Sloppy Sam did result in quite a stir on his FB page. So this one is for the ones who did enjoy the melancholy strangles of their ineffable joy in finding food & having a good time with it!

Fickle Fin: Musician at heart but wanderer by soul. Life: It's Yoga, Baby!

Sloppy Sam: The most popular one, things come in his size & flavour these days!

Brewmaster Bryan: Life doesn't get better than this, totally eccentric, lost, found & all things in between!

Beer Bob: Heartthrob of weird chicks, but loves to find high spirits wherever they are & a good one at it!

Paneer Pat: The athletic one, confused yet spontaneous at the same time!

The Pseudo Sophisticated: Well you really don't wanna know. It seems, if you say nobody's perfect, he takes it as a personal insult!


  1. Musician is too much of a lie and the other part, I don't understand!

  2. Hahaha! Dude, the creativity in writing is my freedom. Leave it to me. No questions asked. This is not a democracy. It's a dictatorship when it comes to the blog! Lol...;)
